Saturday 23 March 2013

Response To Dusan Reljin

My second response to Dusan Reljin's work. This image is opposite to the word 'Manicure' as the model has a ciggarette and she has focused her eyes straight onto the camera showing how confident she is. The image has a 'good girl gone bad' effect to it. I used a shallow depth of field and the compostion includes some of her neck and the the left side of her glasses is touching the edge of the image.  

Response To Dusan Reljin

Responding to these pictures by Dusan Reljin

Response To Patrick Dermachelier

This is my second repsonse to Patrick Dermachelier's work caputuring the beauty of the model by taking away the colours, the use of a black sheet behind the model brings out the model more. This image is relevant to Manicure as its typical for models to be showing parts of their bodies and the look in her eyes makes her fierce and confident. The compostion of the image has the model centre and her shoulders touching the sides of the image. I used to a shallow depth of field to focus on her face and her hair being volumized.

Response To Patrick Dermachelier

This is my reponse to Patrick Dermachelier's image. The image was taken in the studio with a white sheet behind. I chose this picture because it is relevant to manicure as the model is wrapping herself around with her arms underneath her legs. The way her legs and arms are showing shows how the model is confident with her body. I intially took the picture with a monochrome filter on the camera to see how it looked beforehand and the compostion is edgy, having the feet cropped out of the image.

Responding to these pictures by Patrick Demarchelier

Response To Mario Testino

This is another one of my responses to Mario Testino's Work. The original image, the model had different vivid colours on but I chose to use bright, block colours because it stood out more. The original image had a model with smooth skin, supposedly airbrushed. On serif PhotoPlus I opened up the picture and duplicated the background, added a Gaussian blur to the background layer and a mask layer to the second Layer. I flood filled the mask with white paint and then painted over the parts I want to air brush. The background of this image is an painting and the compostion is central cutting out some of her elbow, so more attention is paid to her face and clothes.

Response to Mario Testino

Responding to these pictures by Mario Testino