Wednesday 1 May 2013

Reshot Of Final Outcome

My Final Outcome is a strip of 5 images showing the model gradually become manicured. From my development of the male model and female model, where they changed outfits- I adapted the same technique however I focused on Make-up/Hair. My work has been inspired by Vogue's fashion photography Mario Testino. He captures glamorous models wearing fashion statement clothes and make-up. I feel as though the images are more effective as her shoulders are bare, giving it a sense of confidence. I adjusted the brightness and contrast of a few images to make sure they were all similar to one another and fine detail could be seen. I intend to mount the images onto black paper, positioning the images as a strip (as shown above).

Reshooting Final Outcome

From my previous images of the female model showcasing an increase in make up in each stage, I though that the picture would have more effect if the model was showing her
shoulders. It would be more effective because it shows how the model isn't scared to show her body, or ashamed. Also the second aspect of the images I am going to change is the hair of the model. In the previous photo shoot I focused on the make up however, I am focusing on the Hair and Make-up this time.



Tuesday 30 April 2013

Final Outcome

Practising Final Outcome- Make up Stages

From the photo shoot of the female and male model of changing outfits and the previous images from this, I adapted the process of becoming 'Manicured' and focused more on Make up and the stages of increasing it and becoming that idea of 'Perfect.'



Sunday 28 April 2013

Practising Final Outcomes- Female model (Make-up)

From the photo shoot of changing outfits I have decided to experiment with the stages of using make up starting from being natural, as included in my statement of intent. Mario Testino's work pays attention hugely on the way various different models are positioned and how they look. 

Images chosen: 

Intial Designs- Female Model (Changes)

(Changes made to images and deletion of one image occured)